Activities and Ministry are planned for youth of all ages. Age groups are divided into four major groups, as follows:
- Teens
- Ages 5-12
- Ages 3-4
- A nursery is provided for children < 3 during regular meetings.
Mark and Kim Shelley (Greensboro, NC) direct evening youth activities. Barry Brady (Charlotte, NC) assists in youth activities and his wife, Jackie, as well as Sallie Harrell, supervises the nursery with help from volunteers. Steven and Mary Batts (Greensboro, NC), head up many of the youth activities for ages 5-12.
Phil and Edna Guikema (Orlando, FL), as well as Mark and Nanette Petry, direct a children's program for ages 5-12 which is extremely popular with the kids and parents alike. It includes lots of singing, choruses, Bible stories, crafts and a wonderful Closing Program demonstrating what they've learned throughout the week. Other staff members assist in the large children's program.